You’ve probably heard the phrase “Early detection saves lives” in reference to some form of cancer. Have you ever stopped to think about what it means in your life? Does it motivate you to go in for regular screenings and check yourself at home?
Chances are, someone in your life has been touched by breast cancer. The whole concept of early detection could not be more critical when it comes to long-term health outcomes, and yet only 65% of women over the age of 40 have had a mammogram in the last two years. Even more striking, self-detection via monthly self-breast exams remains one of the leading methods for catching breast cancer early, yet many women simply forget to check their breasts each month.
The Buddy Check 12 keeps women checking their breasts
Buddy Check 12 started in 1992, when news anchor Jeannie Blaylock lost her friend, Kaye, to breast cancer. Blaylock partnered with Baptist Medical Center to organize the first event in honor of her friend and countless others who have suffered from breast cancer. In the past 25 years, the program has helped save thousands of lives through early detection.
To help women remember to consistently perform their self exams, Buddy Check 12 encourages everyone to pair up with a buddy—your mother, aunt, friend, or co-worker—and put Buddy Check 12 reminder stickers on your calendar on the 12th day of each month. You do your exam on the 12th and remind your buddy to do hers.
Bringing mammography to the women who need it most
Roughly 40% of breast cancers are caught via self checks. Regular mammograms are another critical tool in diagnosing breast cancer, but many women don’t have access to facilities or manage to get their screenings done on a regular basis. We’re putting together a virtual 12k event to raise funds for the Buddy Bus, a mobile mammography vehicle that will serve the six counties in northeastern Florida. The bus brings state-of-the-art digital mammography screening services, as well as experienced technologists, right into under-served communities. Additionally, the bus helps to promote monthly self-breast exams and educate people about the importance of early breast cancer detection.
Can you move your body 12 kilometers? Whether you run, walk, or something in between, you can be an important part of stopping breast cancer in its tracks. You can run a virtual race from any location you choose, at any time during the 31-day race period. Participants can run the entire distance at one time or break it into manageable chunks, as long as they log 12 kilometers between October 1 and October 31. Casual walkers and competitive runners alike are invited to participate, and you can log your kilometers from anywhere in the world.
How do I get involved?
Ready to run? Sign up here and lace up your favorite shoes. Your sign-up costs will help raise funds to bring a Buddy Bus to the Jacksonville, FL, area. All participants will receive an official Buddy Check Virtual 12k race shirt and a finisher medal.
At GCT Technology & Accounting, we take great pride in giving back to our community. We’re sponsoring the Buddy Check Virtual 12k to help promote monthly self breast exams, as well as to educate the community on the importance of early detection. We hope to see you out there!