It’s scamming season again! Last year about this time an email was going around about unreported income claiming to be from the IRS. This year’s scam alert is an email claiming that your EFTPS payment didn’t go through. The IRS will never send unsolicited email.
This email starts by saying Your Federal Tax Payment ID:(some made up bogus number) has been rejected. It then gives you a link to check out Return Reason Code R21. Don’t click this link, and if you have already we recommend running your latest virus and adware software. This email, like most scams, has some grammatical errors and formatting issues. In fact, in one example we have seen of this particular scam, it was sent from a Blackberry phone.
Any time you receive an unsolicited email claiming to be from the IRS, do your part to help by forwarding the email to . This allows the IRS to investigate and nab these scammers. It also helps the IRS to make others aware of the scams that are going around. If you are ever unsure about an email or letter you have received, this latest scam email actually includes some good advice. It says to:
“In other way forward information to your accountant adviser”
Best we can tell, that means forward the scam email to us to check out for you.
For information on other scam alerts we have written about, please see our new tag category “Scams”.